Is It Safe to Visit Napa Valley During Covid Times?

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As Napa Valley and the rest of the world are slowly waking up from a long pandemic of a year, people are asking whether or not it is safe to visit Napa Valley.  The short answer is yes, Napa Valley has been taking all of the safety precautions to ensure guest safety and adhering to all of the CDC protocols. Napa Valley is blessed with an abundance of gorgeous outdoor tasting spaces with stunning views. With that being said, here are some things to keep in mind, especially if you have concerns about visiting Napa Valley wine country during COVID.

  1. Visit small ‘Reservation Only’ wineries.  The smaller wineries that are reservation only, will provide you with plenty of space away from other guests with lots of open air.  These wineries are typically able to give better service as well since they deal with a smaller volume of guests.

  2. Make a lunch reservation ahead of time. Making a lunch reservation ahead of time will alleviate the stress of not having somewhere nice to eat your lunch outdoors with great service.  Lines at delis and supermarkets can be stressful, especially figuring out where you can enjoy your lunch peacefully.  Do yourself a favor and make a lunch reservation.  A few of our favorites for plenty of space and great food are Brasswood Restaurant, Auberge du Soleil, and Goose and Gander.

  3. Hire a private driver or tour guide.  Another key component to making a relaxing day in Napa Valley during these Covid times is the safety of transportation.  You want to be able to enjoy yourself and drink responsibly without worrying about navigation and planning your itinerary.  Hiring a private driver to get around the Napa Valley is a smart move.  Contact our sommelier drivers at Bin 415 to help plan your day and get you around safely and in style.  Cheers!


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